Tracey Stock Articles

The Little Land System ® - April 14th, 2008

Categories: Business Practises, Land A&D, Oil & Gas
Author: Tracey Stock

Finding ways to cut costs and remain competitive are important challenges for small business owners, especially in the oil and gas industry. Managing land information efficiently is the key to capitalizing on business opportunities and is best done with specialized computer software. The price of most of the products on the market, however, is prohibitively high for junior explorers and producers. Because of this lack of viable software options, these small companies are forced to choose between trying to come up with the funds for these expensive programs in the hopes that they will “grow” into them, or trying to keep track of important land information using basic spreadsheets. In order to provide an affordable alternative for small companies, Tracey Stock and his associates Debbie Degenstein, Rory McGuire, and Moya Little have designed The Little Land System ®, a product of Enermatix Consulting Inc. This new system is now available, but will be formally launched on March 19, 2008, at a presentation being held at the Chamber of Commerce, and provides an exciting new alternative for small businesses that need to manage oil and gas land information.

There are currently four major land systems on the market designed for medium to large companies and they are not only expensive but are also complex and require specialists to maintain and operate them. The Little Land System®, on the other hand, is an easy to use program that relies on a common business application and does not require any additional servers or special software to support it. Like other land software, it contains components for Minerals, Contracts, Surface, and Wells, and a help section. As an added bonus, the program itself is only 1.5 MB in size, which means that it can be easily transported on a memory stick. This combined simplicity and flexibility makes this program perfect for junior E&P’s and land contractors servicing multiple junior clients.

The Little Land System® starts below $2500 because it limits itself to providing basic land record needs, relationships between minerals, contracts, surface, and wells, and functionality for searching, filtering, and reporting. It avoids complex coding to link interests dynamically. The Little Land System® provides the perfect solution for companies to manage their vital land information until they get to the phase where more complex software would be economically feasible. This transition will also be made easier by the fact that information from The Little Land System® can be easily transferred into other existing land software. This feature would again prove useful for consultants who wish to keep track of land information from their junior clients.

Companies interested in purchasing The Little Land System® pay an annual licensing fee. This allows them three seats. Contractors can use it for up to three junior clients.

Tracey Stock decided to develop this innovative system in order to fill an important niche that other software developers have left empty. Mr. Stock has worked in the oil and gas industry for over 27 years and is a landman, lawyer, and professional engineer. Over the course of his experience in the industry he held many different positions, including management of A&D and land systems for a major company. He has worked both as a landman, lawyer, and an engineer, for several large companies in the industry and is currently a consultant. He also teaches A&D for CAPL, land administration and business law at Mount Royal College, and management information systems at the University of Calgary. His broad experience in the industry gives him a unique knowledge of the land management needs of a small oil and gas company.

Demonstrations are scheduled for Thursday, May 1, May 29, and June 19, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. If you are interested in attending, please contact Debbie Degenstein at 264-2333 or